Y geiriau oll i gyd

(Melusder yr addewidion)
Y geiriau oll i gyd,
Roed im' o bryd i bryd,
  Sydd felus iawn;
Boed i mi wrando llef,
Pereiddiaf sain y nef,
Efengyl gadarn gref,
  A'i heffaith llawn.

Mae heddyw yn y nef
Fyrddiynau gydag ef,
  Yn cânu ei glod;
Dewch, dringwn tua'r làn,
Cawn feddu yn y màn,
Yr ardal ro'ed i'n rhan,
  Hyfryda' erioed.
William Williams 1717-91

[Mesur: 664.6664]

  O'r diwedd daeth yr awr
  Wel f'enaid dos yn mlaen

(The sweetness of the promises)
All the words altogether,
Given to me from time to time,
  Are very sweet;
May I hear a cry,
The sweetest sound of heaven,
A firm, strong gospel,
  And its full effect.

Today in heaven there are
Myriads with him,
  Singing his praise;
Come ye, let us climb up,
We shall get to possess in a while,
The region given for our portion,
  The most delightful ever.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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